Black Hills Energy (BHE) is a Rapid City, South Dakota diversified energy company that provides electric and gas utilities throughout the American West. Technological advances have resulted in their expansion into offering natural gas services to farmers’ agricultural needs.
Black Hills Agriculture division needed to reach its new market, but had a limited budget and even more of a restricted serviceable area (i.e. gas lines and water well locations). Clearly, an online hyper-targeted marketing campaign was needed and traditional advertising methods (like billboards and direct-mailers) were out of the question. In fact, bad public relations were already starting to arise from such ineffective traditional advertising methods because farmers would see a Black Hills service ad, only to find out that BHE could not service their area.
On The Top Search designed and built a hyper-targeted lead generation campaign so that only farmers in serviceable areas would be reached. This primarily focused social media marketing campaign was not only cheaper than traditional methods, but generated leads without causing negative public relations.
On The Top Search generated hyper-targeted and actionalable leads at a fraction of the cost. Because these leads were only from serviceable areas, BHE’s sales team was able to contact each lead quickly and increase conversions. Finally, the hyper-targeted campaign eliminated negative press that resulted from interested farmers being declined service.
Here is what Jason Ketchum (business development) had to say: “the team at OTTS developed an innovative digital lead generation strategy that has resulted in high quality & profitable leads for BHE. They were diligent, trustworthy and reliable — highly recommended.”